Neshannock Human Performance Exercise Science Department

The following Quick Tips are brought to you by, sponsored by Christopher Guerriero and the National Metabolic and Longevity Research Center


Sleep Is So Important! 

Tip:  It's important that you rest your brain by allowing yourself adequate time to sleep.  This can in fact, come in the form of deep sleep at night, or even as a short nap after training or after learning or doing something new.  Sleep not only allows your body to rest, but it also gives your brain a chance to work out some of the day's problems, even find solutions to tasks that troubled you through the day.  All of this results in       less stress which means greater energy and an easier time staying in shape. 


Behavior Modification 

 Tip:  It's true...A little psychology goes a long way.  Shaping your body and your energy level is a behavioral modification that is best accomplished by introducing new behaviors over a given period of time.  So, if you're concerned with having to work out for an hour, don't.  Work your way to that hour by starting with a ten-minute workout, and gradually increase the amount of time until your reach your target goal. 


Be Active Every Day 

Tip:  Be active every day.  It doesn't matter what exercise you do as long as you successfully get your heart rate into the proper zone, which is 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate of 220.  Use this formula to calculate your heart rate:

        220 - your age X .70 = Your low range

        220 - your age X .80 = Your high range

Try fitting in 30 minutes of exercise, 3 - 5 times per week.  If you don't think you have time to exercise for 30 minutes, start with 15 or 10.

Just start now! 


Can't Get to the Gym? 

Tip:  Can't get to the gym?  Use ten minutes from your daily break to walk up and down a flight of stairs.  On average, this burns about 100 calories. 


 Don't Eliminate All the Fat From Your Diet!

 Tip:  It is almost impossible to eliminate all fat from your diet - and it would be a mistake to even try.  Look to make healthier fat-alternatives a part of your life.  Olive oil, for example, is much healthier than lard or even vegetable oil.  Yes, it still contains its fair share of calories, but it also contains significant amounts of flavonoids and those all important antioxidants.


Get in Touch With Nature 

Tip:  Get back in touch with nature.  A walk or bike ride through the park, even some time working in your garden can actually work to lift and improve your mood. 


How Can I Lower My Stress Levels? 

Tip:  Lower your stress levels.  Chronic stress can cause the release of chemicals that can have negative effects on memory and overall mental development.  Use deep breathing exercises, listen to music at home or at work, or take the time to write a journal.  All of these can help reduce your stress, which in turn will keep your mind from feeling drained. 


Use Both Diet and Exercise to Lose Weight 

Tip:  Most experts agree that diet alone is not enough to help you lose weight.  The best thing to do is to combine sensible eating with regular exercise.  Start with 10 minutes a day to get started.  Once you start to lose weight, you will have to increase the amount of exercise you do. 


Spice It Up!


Tip:  Today - Spice It Up!  Why?  Peppers and sauces (like Cayenne and Tobasco) have been shown in studies to increase metabolism and burn fat.



The Benefit Of Fiber 

Tip:  Today, try to eat foods that are high in fiber, like vegetables, beans and whole grains.  Fiber helps to keep you regular, working as a natural cleanser, but it also helps you to feel full while helping you to eat less calories and battle cholesterol. 


Is A Smoothie Good For You? 

Tip: Just because it's a smoothie doesn't mean it's good for you.  Most of the smoothie drinks at your supermarket are high in sugar, honey and corn syrup.  Your best bet is to either make the smoothie yourself with your own ingredients, or if you have to, buy one made with 100% juices and soy or rice milk.


Time To Pump It UP 

 Tip:  It's time to up!  Believe it or not, weight training helps burn more fat and calories than running and cardiovascular exercise can.  Lifting weights can increase your metabolism, not to mention that it uses up more calories as it tries to build muscle.  Some studies have shown that the calorie burning effects of lifting weights can last for up to 48 hours.


The Incredible Edible Egg 

Tip:  Make eggs a part of your diet, especially during lunch, as they boost your mental energy and help burn weight.  Egg yolks contain a chemical called choline, which increases the speed at which signals are sent to nerve cells in the brain.  Wanna think fast?  Eat an egg today. 


Buddy Up for Exercise 

Tip:  Use the buddy system.  Sometimes, shedding weight or trying to get in shape can be very difficult to undertake by yourself.  Find a friend who is also trying to lose weight, and take him or her with you when you work out.  Gym or workout buddies can help to keep you motivated, especially on those days when you are just dreading the gym. 


The Color Blue 

Tip:  Today my favorite color is blue.  Ever notice why fast food joints all use red, yellow, and even orange in their logs, menus and decorations?  Those colors actually encourage eating.  What color serves to suppress your appetite?  Blue.  Serving food on blue plates, covering your dinner table with a blue tablecloth, even wearing blue while you eat can actually keep you from overeating. 


Spread Calories Out All Day 

Tip:  Calories are NOT like money.  You don't have to save them for a rainy day.  If you are keeping track of your calories, it's best to spread them out over several meals, rather than save them for one big meal.  Remember, the key is to keep your metabolism working constantly, and not just in short bursts. 


Volunteer :) 

Tip:  Volunteering at a local church or for a community organization can improve mental health and actually counteract the negative effects of mental stress which is a leading factor to weight issues.  Researchers at the University of Massachusetts recently found that people who give of themselves through volunteer work can actually reduce anxiety, and lower the risk of depression. 


Practice Portion Control 

Tip:  Going on a diet does not work if you do not practice portion control.  Eating three bags of low-calorie cookies is the same as eating one bag of "regular" cookies.  Eating smaller amounts of food today can help you cut back on the amount of calories you consume for the rest of the week. 

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