Neshannock Human Performance Exercise Science Department

Fitness Goals -  John Collins Writing Activity

Sampling of Student Responses, Grades 7 – 12

Question:  List three personal goals in order of importance to improve your fitness choices.  The

students had five minutes to write their response.

A Sampling of Responses Included:

1.  I would like to increase personal activity by walking more often and doing yoga.

2.  I will do physical exercise everyday with kickboxing training to improve my overall heart rate.

3.  My personal goal for flexibility would be to gain not only flexibility but more range of motion

      in my legs by stretching three times a day.

4.  Right now I can only run one mile before getting tired.  I’d like to improve by being able to run

     a little further every day until I reach three miles.

5.  I will exercise at least 30 minutes a day as a lifestyle choice.

6.  I will exercise to tone my body and lower my body fat percentage.

7.  I would like to get more exercise that is not sports related by lifting weights to gain strength.

8.  My personal goal for improving my overall  fitness includes longer and extended periods of cardio

     exercise, specifically running.

9.  I would like to increase my fitness levels by swimming lengths for extended periods of time as

     another means of exercise.

10.  I would like to exercise more to keep my metabolism burning, which will cut down my body fat

       and improve my fitness.

11.  I’d like to become more muscular and train harder when I work out.  By the beginning of football

       season, I’d like to weigh between 200 and 205 pounds.

12.  My goal for strength is to use the pull up trainer for ten minutes and three days a week.  I will also

       use the flat bench.


13.  I will exercise each day to raise my metabolism and thus lose weight.  I will spend more time walking

        and exercising rather than lying around and playing on the computer.

14.  I would like to gain more muscle mass so it will allow me to do more physical tasks more easily and

       help me as a musician.

15.  I would like to build up endurance so I can exercise longer and do more physical activity.

16.  I want to increase my strength by doing more crunches to make my abs look better and to be


17.  I will increase my endurance to play football by running more often and for longer periods of time.

18.  I am starting a yoga class to help with my flexibility with baseball.

19.  I will stretch every day at track practice and do jump stretch for better flexibility.

20.  To be a better basketball player, I will gain muscle mass by doing pushups, practice basketball more

       often and run to gain endurance.

21.  I will start gradually from walking to running at the Pearson Park trail to increase my cardio strength.

22.  I will increase my endurance by doing fast sprints and long jogs.

23.  My goal is to be able to run a few miles and lift my max weight as my regular weight.

24.  I will get my left legged split to increase my flexibility, do cross country to strengthen my endurance,

      and do P90X to increase my strength.

25.  I will practice with my left foot in soccer to improve my strength in that foot.

26.  I will increase my hand-eye coordination by playing softball.

27.  To increase my strength I will build girls for cheerleading and lift more weights.

28.  I will walk/run at least two miles for at least five times per week to improve my endurance.

29.  To increase my endurance, I am going to walk a mile around my neighborhood on Fridays and

       Saturdays because those are the only days I’m not active at dance for over four hours.

30.  I will push harder in my 40-minute stretch to improve flexibility on my right side.

31.  I want to improve my core strength by doing sit ups and crunches.

32.  I want to gain endurance by running on the trails and the treadmill.

33.  I am going to swim for three hours for strength and endurance.

34.  I am going to swim twice a week in an attempt to get skinner.

35.  I am going to start a workout schedule to lift weights and get stronger for football.

Heart Rate -  John Collins Writing Activity

Sampling of Student Responses, Grades 7 - 12

Question:  Write four bulleted facts about what you know about heart rates, heart rate monitoring, and heart rate training zones.


A Sampling of Responses Included:

1.  Target heart rates for people my age are 140-160 for exertion heart rate.

2.  Recovery heart rate shows how quickly your heart rate can recover from exercise. 

3.  When you take your heart rate, you can do it two ways by using your pulse or a heart rate monitor.

4.  You measure heart rate by counting your pulse for six seconds then multiplying by ten.

5.  A heart rate monitor lets you know if you are working too easy or hard.

6.  Heart rates help to determine the quality of exercise performed by the individual.

7.  When you’re in better shape, you have to apply yourself more to get your heart rate up.  You can

     find your heart rate on your neck or wrist.

8.  Depending on your age, each person has a different heart rate training zone.  The more athletic you

     are, the harder you need to work to get in the zone.

9.  When you take your pulse, don’t use your thumb because it has a pulse.

10. You have to stay active or be in shape for a fast recovery rate.

11.  When you monitor your heart rate, you will become more aware of your physical health.

12.  Keep your heart rate up at least sixty minutes per day.

13.  Maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

14.  The better shape someone is in, the faster the recovery.

15.  Depending on how fit you are it will determine how high it goes up and how fast it comes back


16.  If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, you can just check your pulse.

17.  Recovery heart rate is you heart rate after you’re done being active and your heartbeat slows down.

18.  Perceived exertion is how hard a person is working on a scale of one to ten.

19.  Your heart rate is how many times your heart beats in one minute.

20.  You can find your heart rate on your neck or wrist.

21.  You must get your heart rate up to a certain extent to make it help you burn fat and build muscle.

22.  There is a chart to help you calculate what your heart rate zone is.

23.  To lose weight, you want your heart rate to be up.

24.  A healthy heart rate helps with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

25.  Doing cardio in the desired heart rate range gives the best results.

26.  You can determine what kind of shape you’re in by the amount of time it takes for your heart to get

       back to a resting heart rate.

27.  Having a good heart rate is a key to a healthy lifestyle.

28.  Heart rate monitoring is important because it allows you to view your boundaries so you do not

     overwork yourself.

29.  By monitoring your heart rate, you can see how hard you’re working and if you need to slow down

       or speed up.

30.  A healthy heart rate zone range is between 140 – 160.

Three Nutritional Goals – John Collins Writing Activity

Sampling of Student Responses, Grades 7-12

Question:  List three personal goals in order of importance to improve your nutritional choices.


A Sampling of Responses Included:

1.  I will choose milk instead of carbonated beverages.

2.  I will have corn flakes instead of donuts for breakfast.

3.  I will limit my fast food, as it is not good to eat because it has so many calories and fat.

4.  Instead of eating chips, I will eat celery.

5.  I want to be able to eat at least three servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

6.  Slim Jims are no-nos.  I will try to eat more nutritional foods like fruits and vegetables, plus get active

     and burn more calories.

7.  I will try not to eat out as much and manage most meals at home.

8.  I will improve my nutritional choices by cutting back on sugary and foods like chocolate, cut back on

     fast food and sugary beverages.

9.  I should eat healthy and good portions, but won’t overeat and limit my junk food.

10.  I choose not to eat dessert after dinner every day, but instead have an occasional treat.

11.  Displaying healthy foods around the houses will make one want to eat more of them.

12.  I intend to continue drinking 1% milk which comes in a green carton.

13.  I intend to eat smaller portions for lunch and supper for my portions have been out of proportion of

      late and I have had significant weight gain. 

14.  My goal is to drink more milk for strong bones and white teeth.

15.  I will eat fewer oils and fats, then eat more fruits and vegetables.

16.  I want to stop eating before bedtime.

17.  I will eat more carrots to make my vision better.

18.  I want to eat healthy so I don’t become a diabetic when I’m older.

19.  I will stay within the Food Pyramid and won’t be a couch potato.

20.  I will research good food plans and follow that as my guide.

21.  I will eat from every food group twice a day.

22.  One goal of my nutritional choices is not to eat as much sugar.  This counts for drinking also.

23.  I want to increase my carbs and proteins for muscle building.

24.  I will buy less junk food and eat more fruit.

25.  I want to eat more vegetables to become stronger, and cut back on sweets, so instead of eating

      them every night, I will only eat sweets once in a while.

26.  I can order healthy things when I go out to eat.

27.  I can make a diet plan to get through the day.

28.  I can eat less sugary juices and pop.

29.  I will buy more low-fat products.

30.  I will drink 8 glasses or more of water to help improve my diet.

31.  I need to put less sugar on my oatmeal.

32.  I will eat smaller portions.

33.  I won’t eat big amounts of food between meals.

34.  I will look at the serving sizes to see how many calories I’m eating.

35.  I will try to follow the Food Guide Pyramid as best I can.

36.  I will eat 4 – 5 times a day which in return will make me less hungry.

37.  I will watch my consumption of fatty foods.

38.  I will start eating breakfast on a daily basis because it’s the most important meal of the day.

39.  I want to cut down on my night-time snacking.  This would reduce 300-400 calories a day for me.

      This choice along with exercise will help me to lose weight and become a healthier person.

40.  I need to eat less carbs, more protein, remove the junk food in my diet, and eat more fruits.

The Diet and Exercise Connection -  John Collins Writing Activity

Sampling of Student Responses, Grades 7 – 12

Question:  In eight lines or more, write the facts you know about the relationship between exercise

                                                            and diet.

A Sampling of Responses Included:


   1.  To maintain a healthy diet you should eat fruits, grains, milk, meat and poultry, veggies and so on.

        You should drink eight glasses of water daily.  If you have 60 minutes of exercise, you are

        considered  to have a healthy exercise pattern, and you will gain muscle.

2.  A healthy diet and exercise can help to maintain a healthy weight.  Eating unhealthy foods can lead to

     tiredness, which leads to less exercise, which leads to a person becoming overweight.

3.  There should be a balance between diet and exercise because the combination of the two will make

     you feel good about yourself, make life more enjoyable, and will help you to build muscle.

4.  Too much diet and exercise is not good and can have negative effects on our bodies.  Keeping a

     balance will make you have a long, healthy life and make you feel good about yourself.

5.  There is a significant relationship between exercise and diet.  If you eat more food than you burn off

      exercising, you will gain weight.  If someone eats and exercises equally, your weight will remain the

     same.  If someone exercises and burns off more energy than they take in, they will lose weight.  A

     balance of diet and exercise are imperative to maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.

6.  Exercise and diet will help to keep your cholesterol levels down.  Sixty minutes of exercise a day is

     optimal.  Fruits and vegetables will help to maintain a healthy weight and diet, and will help to

     prevent strokes and heart attacks.  In the end you will be happier and healthier.

7.  Exercise and diet are the same in many ways.  First, they both make your body extremely healthy.

     Secondly, they can both make you lose weight and body fat.  Exercising and diet can also help you

     against harmful diseases and body illnesses.  Additionally, these things can set an example for your

      kids to maintain a healthy body throughout their life.

8.  Exercise and diets both help you to lose weight.  It helps you to have a lower blood pressure that in

     turn lets you do more.  Also, exercise and diet help lower the chances of heart attacks in years to

     come.  Both can make you feel good about yourself because you are becoming physically fit such as

     gaining muscle and losing fat.

9.  Diet and exercise both keep you very healthy, but can be bad if you do too much of both.  You need

     to eat little sweets and fatty foods, and remember to relax in life.  Dieting and exercise not only builds

     physical strength, but also mental strength.  They both make you feel good about yourself.

10.  Eating good food and exercising gives you the energy you need to keep going.  When your body is

       energized your brain will be able to think and grow.  Everything you do needs energy.  Food and

       exercise will keep you fit so you can work efficiently.  You will be a good role model.

11.  Diet and exercise are both healthy for you because they give you energy, build strong bones, help

       you to breathe better,  keep you fit, give you good skin, build your immune system and help you to


12.  A healthy diet and a consistent exercise program can help prevent diabetes and obesity problems. 

       This will make the person feel better during their everyday life, and help them to live a better quality

       of life.

13.  To be healthy, a person must eat the right types of foods from all of the major food groups.  You

        must drink a lot of water too.  You cannot just eat right and sit around all day.  You must exercise

        at least 4 days a week.  Together you will achieve healthiness and feel good too.

14.  Exercise and the right diet will keep your metabolism burning fast, it will keep you in good shape

        by raising your heart rate,  help you to get sick less, maintain your body weight, make you happier,

        and give you a longer life.

15.  Exercise and diet make you feel good both inside and out.  Without a healthy diet you become

        overweight and unhealthy.  Exercise like running lets you relieve stress, lose weight, gain strength,

       build strong bones, give you less of a chance of developing heart disease, and lets you rest or sleep

       better at night.  This gives you more self confidence and will lead to a longer, healthier life.

16.  Exercise and dieting leads to a healthy lifestyle.  Exercising releases endorphins that make you

        feel better.  A healthy diet should consist of protein, vegetables, fruits  and healthy choices from

        the Food Guide Pyramid in order to get the nutrients you need.

17.  Exercise should be a combination of motivation, dedication and interest.  In turn you get increased

       stamina and energy.  Diet takes striving for an eating goal and self-interest in achievement.

       Engaging in both will keep you free from diseases associated with lack of exercise and a bad diet.

18.  Exercise and diet normally go hand in hand.  When a person wants to lead a healthy lifestyle,

        exercise alone is not enough.  Both components must be combined in order to have a positive

        body composition result, which leads to a healthy lifestyle.

19.  A good diet is essential.  Workouts are no good without a proper diet.  In eating, it’s important not

       to starve yourself in an attempt to lose weight.  Eat everything in moderation.  Workout as much as

       your schedule will allow to improve your motor skills.

20.  In choosing a diet, you want to restrict your intake of fast food.  Make good food choices to keep

       yourself healthy.  Also, watch your carb intake and eat lots of fruit.   As you know, exercise and diet

       go together.  You  should workout as much as you can.  By practicing good habits you will have a

      healthy heart and lower blood pressure.

21.  The relationship between exercise and diet occurs in terms of the health of the human body. 

       Maintaining a nutritious, healthy diet allows the body to move more easily and readily in terms

      of exercise.  By exercising, such as bicycling or running, you allow your body to burn calories you

      obtain from eating.  By keeping a healthy diet, it in turn affects your exercise and how your body

      burns calories.

22.  You must diet and exercise because it keeps you healthy.  They are like partners in crime.  Diet

        helps you maintain your food group scale.  For example, fruit and veggies, oils, meats and beans,

         and more.  Exercise helps you burn fat calories, strengthen your muscles, and improve your

         immune system.  It helps keep muscles toned and in shape.  Diet helps the heart, and it helps

        the organs in your body to function properly.  It helps the white and red blood cells and keeps

        metabolism up.

23.   The amount you eat in your diet directly relates to the amount you need to exercise.  The more

         you eat, the more you need to exercise to keep healthy.  If you eat fatty foods or lots of sweets,

         you will need to exercise a lot more because of that unhealthy food you are putting into your

         body.  Choose to eat healthier foods.

24.  You should exercise at least 60 minutes per day while eating balanced meals.  It’s good to eat

        5-7 mini meals per day and drink lots of water to fill you up.  Eat enough to replenish what you

       worked off.  Eat protein at every meal and instead of eating less, eat more fruits and veggies.

      Don’t overindulge in sweets or unhealthy foods.

25.  The relationship between my diet and the way I exercise is very important.  I know that eating

        carbs and then exercising will burn them off.  Eating empty calories or junk food will cause my

        body to store it as fat.  Exercising to reduce fat is hard to do.  It is important to balance a healthy

        exercise with diet to maintain my weight.

26.  Exercise and diet are both essential to living a healthy life.  To maintain a healthy lifestyle one must

        frequently exercise and maintain a good diet.  If a person has a bad diet it will be reflected in their

        health.  The same goes for exercise habits.  Cardiovascular exercise greatly contributes to your

        health.  Fats and sugars are important, but should not be used in excess.  Food such as fruits,

       vegetables and protein should be eaten more often.

27.  When you have a conversation about exercise, diet always comes in, or vice versa.  Diet is very

        important when exercising.  Many people take diet and exercise very seriously, as they should.

        If you don’t watch your diet but exercise you will get half the results.  Exercise an hour each day

       and watch your portion sizes.

28.  Exercise is a big part of a person’s diet.  You can eat extremely healthy but have no muscle

       because you don’t exercise.  To have a healthy diet, you should exercise at least one hour every day.

       Exercise helps your diet out big time.  If you eat a lot you can exercise and work off the food.  It

       also gives you a good looking body if you eat healthy and exercise.  Exercise and diet are big factors

      in your life.

29.  Exercising and a good diet make you healthy.  Exercising builds strength while healthy eating helps

       you to burn more calories.  Both help your self-esteem and help you fit into your clothes.  The two

       factors combines also lower cholesterol, help your heart, and will give you more energy.

30.  Diet and exercise both play an important role in your physical life.  If you have a poor diet it may

       may you fat or overweight.  Overweight people have a hard time exercising, so both are important

       to health.  A poor diet can also be not eating enough.  Poor exercise can lead to a poor diet, so both

       elements lead to improving health. 



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